Wednesday, November 05, 2008

STFU Already

Well, that didn't take long.
The election is not even 24 hours in the past, and the Republicans are whining
about all the reasons they got beat, and not realizing why they really lost.

Do you want to know why you lost, Mr. & Mrs. Republican...
Look in a damn mirror. You, from this joke of a president, the lamest of lame ducks,
to this idiotic "Joe the Plumber", to you, and me, as I had a hand in this, because I, too,
voted for George W. Bush once. It is your own damn fault this occured, and you need to realize it,
and fix what went wrong before you deserve another shot at getting this countrys' trust back.
I have never seen such a betrayal of core principles, and such blatant manipulation of fears
and abuse of power then with this party leadership, and everyone of you that followed it deserve
to live with what your party did, and became.
What betrayal, you might ask. What is the core principle of Conservatism?
To be left alone, to rise or fall on your own, and to be fiscally responsible.
What has happened to the "modern conservative movement"?
This party has engineered the biggest transfer of wealth, from us, to greedy, selfish businesses,
in history. Instead of putting strictures on this, it is open ended, and being made up on the fly.
How the hell is this fiscally responsible??? And where is the personal accountability for the CEOs
and others? I guess we have to wait til they get back from the spa treatments, and spending their bonuses
before we find out if they will take responsibility or not, eh?
On down the line, every step of the way, every leader this party has, both politically, and culturally, have turned
Conservatism into a joke, and they continue to.
A few examples...
Rush Limbaugh( best described by my Brother, Don, as a pompous assbag), Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly,
and a host of other radio & TV personalities lying, not calling its own leadership to task, and being nothing but the worst kind
of populist propagandists. "Oh, it's fine to loot the Treasury to bail out some millionaire, but it's 'Socialism' to provide health care
for poor people!" is but one example

George Bush, and the Republican Congress spending more money than all other Presidents combined, and leaving it for future
generations, to pay for.

Fighting a war that was not needed. The facts are in folks, Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, even the Commander-Guy said so,
and every reason they gave has been proved, at best, an exaggeration, and mostly, a batch of lies.

Torturing innocent people, admitting they are innocent, but refusing to release them, even though it is admitted that there are no charges
to be brought... this is respect for life? This is protecting us?

Cronyism run rampant. Michael "Brownie" Brown is the best example, but this administration is rife with it, from him, to Harriet Miers,
to Julie Myers, not a one of them had any experience for the jobs they were given. But they seemed to have the one thing George valued most,
not critical thinking skills, not common sense, but a personal loyalty to him, and a big Republican contributor in the family.

Using fear to control & divide the populace. Whether it is news of some losers "training" to attack a military base, to fear of someones religion, color,
or choice of lifestyle, it all points to not having anything to offer the public, so make them scared, and they will beg us to make them safe. And it worked for awhile.
But not anymore.

Divide and conquer. Using wedge issues to divide people, and using the resulting friction and gridlock to do what you want. Abortion... it is not a thing to recommend, but it is none of your
business if someone has one. Are you against abortion, don't have one, and help people so they don't have to have one. Don't like gay people? Don't be one, but leave them alone, and they will
leave you alone. Scared of Muslims? Talk to one, not all are fanatics, and you may make a friend, or you might find that you don't like them, but they are just people like the rest of us.
Religion, and the so-called war on religion. You know what, I don't care, and neither should you. Religion is personal, and should stay that way. Live your life, and let others live theirs. If you
are right, you will get your reward, if someone else is right, they will get theirs, but it doesn't effect life here.

The ultimate betrayal of Conservatism. Government should never be used to push a private, moral, or religous agenda. A Conservative believes in letting each person choose their own way,
and suffer the consequences of those choices. A Conservative helps people, because he may need help himself. A Conservative defends the rights of others, because they are his rights as well.
If you allow anothers rights to be squashed, yours are next in line. But most of all, a Conservative believes in doing right, because it is right, not winning at all costs, not lying, and not cheating
to get his way. They do not loot, they do not violate the Constitution, and they do not, above all else, intrude in the private life of others.

None of this is meant to imply that Democrats are blameless, by any stretch of the imagination. But, as someone who leans more conservative than not, I am angry about my beliefs being betrayed.
And worse, I am furious at the lack of personal responsibility that people calling themselves conservatives are exhibiting now.
It is because of these reasons, and more, that you lost us, and this election.
It is high time for some deep introspection in the conservative movement.
STFU already, you have enough problems to deal with.


Blogger Terry said...

Boy, apparently you have the reading comprehension of a retarded baboon.
Did you not catch the part about helping people, so an abortion is not necessary?
As for your religous invitation, why would I want to take spiritual advice from someone who advocates murder.
STFU, you freak, you are the type of person I was writing about.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Todd Erven said...

Typical right wing nut job. You know, Spitz, the only real difference between you and Bin Laden is the color of your skin.

You both think you're doing God's will and you are both going to burn.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Dan Gambiera said...

Well, reverend. I don't have anything against Christians. Some of my best friends are Christians. But Army of God is a terrorist organization. No honest man has anything to do with terrorists and their supporters. Go away.

2:47 AM  
Blogger Dan Gambiera said...

As for Limbaugh, some anonymous Internet wag said it best:

What's the difference between Rush and the Hindenburg?

One of them's a bloated, flaming Nazi gasbag. The other one was a dirigible.

2:49 AM  
Blogger Don R. said...

It's quite popular to tag certain organizations as "terrorist organizations." There are a lot of terrorist organizations that don't get tagged as such because they are left-leaning or left-wing. That having been said, all that guy probably needs is a white dress shirt, a rattan chair and a pair of Ray Bans and give him a jungle "compound" and he would be akin to The Reverend Jim Jones.

Limbaugh is not a nazi, Limbaugh is a wealthy fool with a big mouth. He doles out another flavor of Kool-Aid that's not quite as lethal.

It is because of "Christians" like this and their counterparts in every other organized religion...that I became an atheist for a while and have settled into the relative comfort of agnosticism.

It is a truism that the very vocal among the Pro-Life people, as well-meaning as some of them might very well be, love the baby in the womb and after it is born, they don't care what happens to it. They promote insurance companies to run roughshod over people so they cannot afford insurance, I could go on and on for two hours of typing on this sickness that has gripped out country.

Abortion is Big Business. It's Big Abortion just like Joe Camel was tagged by the left as "Big Tobacco" and the NRA is tagged as being "Big Guns" and the oil companies are "Big Oil." They don't see it that way, however.

It's a big business, it damages some women because some women are too irresponsible to take birth control pills or use other means of contraception and they are damaging themselves by using abortion as a means of birth control. In the case of abortion, women are being told they are too stupid and irresponsible to look after their own bodies and instead they are handed abortion which is clearly not healthy for the repeat customers.

There are so many problems with this topic, the mind boggles. I think one thing that all but the most crazy can agree on is this: a woman should have the absolute right to have an abortion if she has been raped.

Th extremes on both sides have controlled the debate for years and that is not going to change, ever.

2:14 PM  

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