Sunday, April 17, 2005

Wow,it's been interesting

I haven't posted for awhile,illness,work,and Jena's work have thrown a wrench in everything
This post will be all over the boards,so bear with me.
I got a very cool Silat DVD a couple weeks ago,by Blaise Loong.Titled Silat Sabungin,it is based off movements used in cockfighting.Sounds funny,but I'll tell you,it has to be one of the best,and most brutal method I've seen.Reminds me of how Don and I use a blade.I highly recommend it.
I have been impressed by Blaise since he appeared on the cover of Full Contact,long ago.I have had several e-mail exchanges,and interaction on his forum.He is a very genuine and helpful guy,and his clan seem to be the same way.Check out

A big thank you goes to Mushtaq.I have asked him so many questions,and he has been the most gracious in answering them,and helping me.Thank you Guru.
Silat is progressing well,I just have to stay disciplined.
Ian finished my proto,and got it to me this week.It is great.He captured the handle design
I wanted,and the nuances I drew perfectly.It goes to Germany this week.Mr. Chuck,and Mr. Dan are going to hand carry it over.
This cold/flu finally seems to be breaking up.It has really sapped my energy lately.
Springtime is here,and I love it.Broke out the warm weather clothes today,and put the arctic clothes away.I love this time of year.
The biggest thing that happened this week is finally making my decision,and becoming a Muslim.I am waiting to hear from Shaykh Taner,but I am happy right now,and hopefully,he will accept me into the tariqa.
More later,but now,I've gotta go.
Thanks for reading.