***Knife Review*** Ugly Knife from Tribal Edge Knives
OK, if you read the post about my summer vacation, you will see that I went to see my
Silat teacher(who showed me some cool Kali, also), Mushtaq. Aside from being a scholar,
cook, and martial arts teacher, Mushtaq also is a knife maker. His website for this is
He does this with Chuck Pippen, but they both have different styles.
When I arrived, he gifted me with two items I will keep forever, a walking stick, which will be reviewed later, and a knife, known as the Ugly Knife.
This knife is a wonderful multi-purpose knife. It is probably the most useful all around knife I have owned for quite a while.
According to Mushtaq, he designed it with utility in mind first, and SD as something it can do
as well. I can attest to it's utility use, as I carried it at work for awhile, and used it in the warehouse. Comfortable, sharp, and strong enough to handle everything, including falling on a concrete floor while I was climbing some shelves.
But, as we all should know by now, my interest in knives is more towards the SD/survival end of things. This knife performs wonderfully in this regard. A neutral handle means it can be used in all 4 primary grips. The balance point is in the middle, slightly in the handle, making slashes
easy and second nature. The point lines up for thrusting as well as any bowie I have used.
Look Mushtaq and the crew up at the link provided above, and buy one.
Even if you don't need one, you really do.